Bible Verse Challenge – Week 1

We are really missing our church family! I miss seeing the children in Sunday school and the youth on Wednesday nights. I feel that these days when we have more time to spend with our families it is a good time to memorize some Bible verses. We want children and youth to retain the verse in their minds and hearts for life. Many times when we go over verses on Sunday or Wednesday, they cannot remember them the next time we are together! So I am going to issue you a challenge to learn 10 Bible verses over the next 10 weeks! I will give you a new verse each week. We are told in God’s Word to hide His Words in our heart so we will not sin against Him. ( See Psalms 119:11) Parents, write the verse and put it somewhere the children can see it every day……like on your refrigerator. Repeat it together at family meal times and talk to them about it as you tuck them into bed at night. Let them know this is important to you. Make a color sheet or puzzle to help them learn.
Youth, why don’t you involve your entire family? Adults, even if you don’t have children at home…..this is good for all of us.

Week 1: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” This verse is appropriate for this Holy Week. Share with your children what Jesus was doing each day the week before He went to the cross. Share with them how much God loves them! Next week I’ll send you verse #2. Will you accept the challenge?